What Does Forbidden You Don'T Have Permission To Access On This Server Mean?

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying lớn use an ErrorDocument to lớn handle the request.

Bạn đang xem: What does forbidden you don't have permission to access on this server mean?

is there a way i can resolve this


I’m currently having an issue with this on my WordPress website. In addition, it eventually takes down everything except for the plesk admin panel, even my mail server.

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I just came across this question. In addition khổng lồ what has already been mentioned, I would recommend checking the answer here on how to troubleshoot common Nginx problems:



I had the same issue even though I mix correct permission 775 for folders và 644 for filesI assume your website root thư mục is /homePlease try this command:chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /home

It works for me and now the website root folder is “home”, not the mặc định /usr/share/nginx/html/

There is a possibility of misconfiguration after the trang web update – that is, wrong tệp tin permissions are restricting the hệ thống to access the files. You should kiểm tra the file permission of your website root directory which contained the index.html or index.php files.

For diagnostic correction, allow permission for all by typing:

sudo chmod -R 777 /path/to/index.htmland then;sudo chown -R : /path/to/index.html

where username is the ‘username’ you use to lớn login to the Droplet, và group will be www-data if your web vps is Apache.

Please let us know if this tip solves your problem. If not. Then we will have to correct the ‘ErrorDocument’ attribute in apache configuration tệp tin or the attribute ‘AllowOverride’ in .htaccess file.

shwelu • May 8, 2017
There is a possibility of misconfiguration after the trang web update – that is, wrong tệp tin permissions are restricting the server to access the files. You should check the file permission of your web root directory which contained the index.html or index.php files.

For diagnostic correction, allow permission for all by typing:

sudo chmod -R 777 /path/to/index.htmland then;sudo chown -R : /path/to/index.html

where username is the ‘username’ you use to lớn login khổng lồ the Droplet, và group will be www-data if your web hệ thống is Apache.

Please let us know if this tip solves your problem. If not. Then we will have to lớn correct the ‘ErrorDocument’ attribute in apache configuration file or the attribute ‘AllowOverride’ in .htaccess file.


shwelu • May 8, 2017
There is a possibility of misconfiguration after the trang web update – that is, wrong file permissions are restricting the hệ thống to access the files. You should kiểm tra the file permission of your website root directory which contained the index.html or index.php files.

Xem thêm:

For diagnostic correction, allow permission for all by typing:

sudo chmod -R 777 /path/to/index.htmland then;sudo chown -R : /path/to/index.html

where username is the ‘username’ you use to login to lớn the Droplet, and group will be www-data if your web vps is Apache.

Please let us know if this tip solves your problem. If not. Then we will have to lớn correct the ‘ErrorDocument’ attribute in apache configuration tệp tin or the attribute ‘AllowOverride’ in .htaccess file.


Flamber Hansen • May 5, 2017

When the trang web was updated, it probably removed some files - including index.php or index.html of the directory you’re trying khổng lồ view, which is why you get that error, since directory listing is not something that is enabled by default.

Which website system vì chưng you use?

You can see more detailed errors in the error log, which is located in:If using Apache, it’s default location is /var/log/apache/error.logIf using Nginx, it’s default location is /var/log/nginx/error.log


Flamber Hansen • May 5, 2017

When the website was updated, it probably removed some files - including index.php or index.html of the directory you’re trying to lớn view, which is why you get that error, since directory listing is not something that is enabled by default.

Which trang web system vì chưng you use?

You can see more detailed errors in the error log, which is located in:If using Apache, it’s mặc định location is /var/log/apache/error.logIf using Nginx, it’s default location is /var/log/nginx/error.log


sicosavage • May 6, 2020
ForbiddenYou don’t have permission khổng lồ access /login/forgot/vLkkenqar8cGaPTgJh1DY6I14lx1ycbCneUuitz1ksA on this server.


BocoranJudi • February 9, 2019
Thanks for your information, so helpfull.


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